
Provence Bakery & Café

11am Monday morning.
Weather cold and raining.

You must think now I am crazy to feel cold in Singapore? Rain has been pouring since Sunday and where I am located is next to forested area, it IS cold. I love this feeling of cold and cosy. Especially on a rare public holiday Monday, how precious it is to wake up naturally and kiss my baby.

The good thing is we have known how lazy we can be, we have coffee bought from Japan and chocolate wassant from
Provence Bakery , we indulge in simple yet comfortable breakfast. As you can imagine, this would not be possible on working days where we stuff our food quickly at our workstations.

More on Provence, there are so much variety at the bakery. I didn’t know if we should buy butter pound, anpan bun, walnut bread or ready made sandwiches – all in Japanese French cottage feel. Even better, order the bakes and tea, have it warm right at the café.

Choc wassant was chewy, not dry and firm chocolate taste to every bite. Watching my coffee drip from the filter is somehow therapeutic. Had this in my hotel room in Tokyo, had to buy some back from the convenience store there. Too bad I did not have creamer at home, it would have been better.

Warm love,

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